

很多人學英文喜歡讀 CNN,BBC,或經濟學人(讀經濟學人學英文也太痛苦...)者種新聞英文有個問題:內容太難、無聊,導致很多人看完標題和第一段就睡著。

所以,我要推薦 Quora,完全免費,內容簡單又好玩。有點像當年 Yahoo 知識+,只不過 Quora 的問與答不會有一半是減肥、增高、豐胸廣告。

還記得 Yahoo 知識+ 這些內容嗎?「我的兒子今年 14 歲,身高只有 120,請問該怎麼辦?」或是「我今年 19,但是胸部比爸爸還小,請問有什麼解決方法?」

前幾天,我就在 Quora 到這篇很有趣的文章:What are some creative ways in which celebrities have dealt with the paparazzi? 



Daniel Radcliffe(哈利波特演員)once wore the same jacket and same hat every time he went outside, for a total of six months.
(Daniel Radcliffe 有次整整六個月,穿了同一件外套和帽子)

He did that just to annoy the paparazzi who stalked him and took pictures of him everywhere he went.

  • just to 只為了
  • annoy 惹惱
  • stalk 跟蹤

The reason why he wore that same jacket and hat was so that his pictures would look "old," as in taken on the same day, so the paparazzi wouldn't be able to sell them as new pictures.

  • as in taken on the same day 就像在同一天拍的照片

So the paparazzi could take photos for six months but it would look like the same day. They became un-publishable, which was hilarious because there's nothing better than seeing the paparazzi get really frustrated.

懂這則小故事嗎?Daniel Radcliffe 整整六個月穿了同一件外套和帽子。這樣狗仔偷拍的時候好像都是同一天拍的,所以這些照片就無法拿去賣。 

Quora 並不只有這種八卦小故事,也有各式各樣財經、科技、音樂主題,可以按照你想要的主題分類閱讀。


Quora 操作說明


Step 1:選擇註冊方式


Step 2:選擇你有興趣的主題


Step 3:選擇英文之外,你會的語言

不要再讀你看不懂的 CNN、BBC、The New York Times,反正都可以學英文,不用刻意讀艱深又無聊的內容。而且 Quora 圖文並茂,除了讀英文,還可以看好笑的圖片。

如果閒閒沒事想滑廢文,何不到 Quora 滑英文廢文?如此一來,增加知識,又加強英文閱讀能力。


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